Magical woodburned keepsake boxes by Kathleen Kaderabek

Boxes, boxes, boxes! ²

Killer Kitsch

Wooden keepsake / jewellery / secret stash boxes by Kathleen Kaderabek of OtherNamesWereTaken. Each piece is made by hand, signed and numbered on the bottom and finished with lining, clasps and quotes. Featured here are beautiful designs from Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, The Legend of Zelda and Lord of the Rings along with a glorious woodburned plaque of Thorin’s map from The Hobbit.

Do you like Star Wars? You do? The Force is strong with more brilliant keepsake box designs on my previous blog post.

Check out Killer Kitsch on your favourite social networks including

Game of Thrones woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen KaderabekGame of Thrones woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen Kaderabek“Because each piece is done by my own hands, each has slight variations which adds character and uniqueness”

You can find these designs, and many more, on Kathleen’s OtherNamesWereTaken Etsy store and via her Faceook Page.

Lord of the Rings woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen KaderabekThe Hobbit Thorin's map woodburned plaque by Kathleen KaderabekHarry Potter Hogwarts woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen KaderabekThe Legend of Zelda woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen Kaderabek

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Star Wars woodburned keepsake boxes by Kathleen Kaderabek

Boxes, boxes, boxes! ¹

Killer Kitsch

Wooden keepsake / jewellery / secret stash boxes by Kathleen Kaderabek of OtherNamesWereTaken. Each piece is made by hand, signed and numbered on the bottom and finished with lining, clasps and quotes. Featured here are classic trilogy favourites Darth Vader (for  your cookies), Yoda and Boba Fett along with BB-8 from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Do you like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Legend of Zelda and Lord of the Rings? You do? Great, go take a look at my next blog post featuring more of these fantastic boxes.

Check out Killer Kitsch on your favourite social networks including

Star Wars: The Force Awakens BB-8 woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen Kaderabek“Because each piece is done by my own hands, each has slight variations which adds character and uniqueness”

You can find these designs, and many more, on Kathleen’s OtherNamesWereTaken Etsy store and via her Faceook Page.

Star Wars Yoda woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen KaderabekStar Wars Boba Fett woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen KaderabekStar Wars Boba Fett woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen KaderabekStar Wars Darth Vader woodburned keepsake box by Kathleen Kaderabek

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“Tempo de Matar” e o ex-líder da KKK

Tempo de Matar foi o primeiro e mais empolgante livro do John Grisham que li até agora. E a chamada para a matéria “Ex líder da KKK foi flagrado fazendo sexo com um negro” me fez pensar em como este ilustre senhor mostra como a vida e a arte se misturam.

Qualquer gênero de preconceito é tolo, mas quando se prega qualquer tipo de supremacia ou soberania entre povos, credos, etnias é realmente absurdo saber que tentam subjugar o “objeto” de ódio de forma tão mordaz como o que ocorreu no livro.

Já matéria possui imagem que não dá grandes margens a ideia de sexo não consensual (onde provavelmente o negro seria estuprado).Tampouco parei pra pensar sobre os papéis desempenhados por uma ou outra parte, mas me fez pensar:

“Se são tão melhores, se havia a necessidade da erradicação de pessoas X o ou Y sobre o globo terrestre, como ousa?” 

Armadilhas da mente humana.

Ex-líder da KKK foi flagrado fazendo sexo com negro